
Friday, May 17, 2013

Crunched Bytes: April 2013

I love reading, novels, stories, articles...
There are many articles I read, few I find interesting and retweet, and this gave an inspiration to make a monthly compilation of these article with a short summary. As my professor from "How People Learn" would say, repetition is one strategy for effective learning and summarizing your learning is another... so this is a mix of both :).

This new monthly post series will be the compilation of these interesting articles. Most of them will be technology oriented but some can be general blogs or viewpoints as well!

So here goes my first collection drawn from April 2013 readings. Enjoy! 
(*Ordering of articles is not arbitrary)

How Pixar Used Moore’s Law to Predict the Future
A very very interesting article from Alvy Ray Smith, co-Founder Pixar, reflecting on why Moore's Law exists and how it brought about the creation of Pixar and all those lovely movies along with it!!! And importantly the belief that "the law" still has life to live and imagine what all it can do…
"Moore’s Law reflects the top rate at which humans can innovate. If we could proceed faster, we would."
"That’s the reason for expressing Moore’s Law in orders of magnitude rather than factors of 10. The latter form is merely arithmetic, but the former implies an intellectual challenge. We use “order of magnitude” to imply a change so great that it requires new thought processes, new conceptualizations: It’s not simply more, it’s different."

Pixar's Senior Scientist explains how math makes the movies and games we love
A look into what goes behind those beautiful curly hairs or those cheering crowd in the car race - the mathematics and the chief person behind it.

There are no smartphones
An article that puts into words, something that has been there in the back of my mind for some time now, especially after moving to Switzerland. I've been hardly using my mobile (smart)phone. Come to think of it, even back in India, the most used aspect of that device was to read novels (yes on a small 3 inch screen) while I travelled or to play games... and lately, I've been thinking to get a regular old-style Nokia (I still love those sturdy keypad devices) and rather buy a tablet for these purposes, a view recently pushed further by another professor of mine who is doing the same :)

The technique LucasArts used to design its classic adventure games
Using puzzle dependency chart for narrative-driven games.
Provide alternate paths for players to avoid getting stuck. Work it backwards from end to start (a matter of choice but does look easier to do). Makes it simpler to identify too easy and too hard, and align story with gameplay.
All this and more...

A Plain English Guide to JavaScript Prototypes
Confused about __proto__ and prototype in JavaScript? This article explains it well along with some background on inheritance and object model in JavaScript

Design Tips When Porting Mobile to Console
Planning to port your android games from mobile to upcoming OUYA console, here are some tips that are worth keeping in mind while porting!

INFOGRAPHIC: How Interviewers Know When to Hire You in 90 Seconds
Some quantification of the aspects you might generally know about, or do you??
E.g. 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone, The number one most common mistake at a job interview is: failing to ask for the job and much more

I follow the tech industry news, thanks to Twitter @Techcrunch, @GamesBeat, @IGN and many more, plus a few email subscriptions.